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Karen Language Resources

Karen Language Course

We welcome all to our Karen language course. We developed this course for foreigners working with the Karen people in refugee camps along the Thai-Burma border. The course provides basic phrases for everyday use. You can also click the audio files to listen to the proper pronunciation. The course is organized into 15 sections.

Click to download the Karen language course (Version 2)

Karen Fonts

Click to download all Karen fonts (688 KB)

or select by individual font:

K-Law font (57 KB) Karen font (25 KB) Karen 2 font (39 KB) Karen Saw Ba U Kyi font (48 KB)
Sawdagon font (49 KB) Sawhaka font (57 KB) Sawinlay font (53 KB) Sawkalaw font (56 KB)
Sawmu font (51 KB) Sawyan font (49 KB) Sawyand font (71 KB)

Karen Books

Karen English Dictionary (DRUM Publications)

This is the new, beta version of the Drum Reference of Sgaw Karen Language Database. Currently being developed, the goal is to create a comprehensive on-line reference tool where visitors can access a wide variety Sgaw Karen language resourses from a single web page.

Click to go to the Karen/English dictionary

KTWG Teacher Training Manual

Central to all KTWG activities is our training manual, ‘In the Hands of Teachers’ which we developed and have been refining since 1998. The training manual and trainee’s guide, attempt to bring together modern educational theory with Karen cultural teaching-learning processes. The training manual provides instructions for the trainer as well as content and activity materials to be used during training workshops . The curriculum challenges teachers to reflect upon their classrooms and critically examine the feasability of new educational practices being introduced. You are welcome to download our manual. We ask that you contact us if you plan to use the manual for training teachers. We also welcome comments and suggestions about how we can improve the manual.

‘In the Hands of Teachers’ – Sgaw Karen version (PDF format)

Entire manual in Karen (1.7 Mb)
Participatory Methods for Trainers – Karen version (0.2 Mb)

‘In the Hands of Teachers’ – English version

Entire manual package in English (3 Mb)

or download by chapter/section:

Useful Links

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The Karen Teacher Working Group (KTWG) is a community-based organization working to improve access to and quality of basic education for ethnic Karen children in Karen areas of Eastern Burma since 1997.
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