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Karen Teacher Working Group

A community-based organization working to improve access to and quality of basic education for ethnic Karen children since 1997.


Schools have received material, financial, administrative and technical support over the past 10 years.


Teachers have graduated from the Karen Teacher Training Colleges.


Community teachers have received stipends, training and teaching materials since 2014.


Students have benefited from learning materials, trained teachers, hygiene kits and much more over the past 10 years.

84 School Buildings 233 Classrooms 24 Toilets

Construction, renovations, and extensions of schools plus the provision of toilets. We also provided temporary shelters during recent emergency times.

2,388 Households 15,722 Internally Displaced People

The number of IDPs requiring humanitarian support has increased significantly since thew coup in Feb 2021.


The Karen Teacher Working Group (KTWG) is a community-based organization working to improve access to and quality of basic education for ethnic Karen children in Karen areas of Eastern Burma since 1997.

We do this by training teachers and school management committees, working with parents and communities, providing education assistance funds and materials for schools and working to help strengthen education administration structures in Karen areas.

In 2011 we began to share our model of working in Karen areas with other ethnic groups and helped develop a multi ethnic network of education actors. This network is now using the KTWG model to assist their own schools and communities across Burma's indigenous areas.

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The Karen Teacher Working Group (KTWG) is a community-based organization working to improve access to and quality of basic education for ethnic Karen children in Karen areas of Eastern Burma since 1997.
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